[racket] eli-tester (was "Using Racket to solve Professor Layton puzzles")

From: Neil Van Dyke (neil at neilvandyke.org)
Date: Thu Jul 28 13:10:22 EDT 2011

BTW, if you're curious, there was some discussion about this on the 
"users" or "dev" email list, perhaps a few months ago.

My impression&opinion is that we're trying to get a library that scales 
from small to large and rapid to plodding, is flexible enough to do 
everything people want, is included standard in Racket, and has an 
inoffensive syntax that everyone can live with (the fringe elements can 
layer their own syntax).  Then maybe everyone will use the one testing 
library instead of using several incompatible testing libraries and 
keeping making more incompatible testing libraries.  Ideally, Eli and/or 
Noel will do all the work, perhaps in competition, while I sip iced tea.


Posted on the users mailing list.