[racket] Planet error: docs failure: read: illegal use of "."

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Wed Jul 20 19:51:25 EDT 2011

This looks like a bug that was fixed earlier this week, though maybe
it's something else.

When did you get v5.1.2.3, and which language is selected in DrRacket?

At Wed, 20 Jul 2011 18:02:15 -0400, Nadeem Abdul Hamid wrote:
> I've posted my first planet package, but I'm getting some weird error in
> building documentation when installing it from DrRacket, which doesn't occur
> at all when I install using 'planet install ...' at the command line. Any
> ideas what is going wrong? Is there something that I might be missing in my
> scribblings documentation (it's very minimal at the moment)? Or something
> not right with the way the .plt archive is being made?
> Here's a portion of the log from DrRacket (there are two occurrences of a
> "docs failure" error):
> PLaneT: raco setup: --- pre-installing collections ---
> PLaneT: raco setup: --- compiling collections ---
> PLaneT: raco setup: making: <planet>/nah22/racketui.plt/1/1 (RacketUI)
> PLaneT: raco setup:  in <planet>/nah22/racketui.plt/1/1
> ... <snip> ...
> PLaneT: raco setup: --- updating info-domain tables ---
> PLaneT: raco setup: updating: /Users/nhamid/Library/Racket/planet/300/
> PLaneT: raco setup: --- creating launchers ---
> PLaneT: raco setup: --- building documentation ---
> PLaneT: raco setup: docs failure: read: illegal use of "."
> PLaneT: raco setup: --- installing collections ---
> PLaneT: raco setup: --- post-installing collections ---
> PLaneT: raco setup:
> PLaneT: ------------- Rebuilding documentation index -------------
> PLaneT: raco setup: version: [3m]
> PLaneT: raco setup: variants: 3m
> PLaneT: raco setup: main collects: /Applications/Racket.git/plt/collects
> PLaneT: raco setup: collects paths:
> PLaneT: raco setup:   /Users/nhamid/Library/Racket/
> PLaneT: raco setup:   /Applications/Racket.git/plt/collects
> PLaneT: raco setup: --- pre-installing collections ---
> PLaneT: raco setup: --- compiling collections ---
> PLaneT: raco setup: making: scribblings/main/user
> PLaneT: raco setup: --- updating info-domain tables ---
> PLaneT: raco setup: updating: info-domain/compiled/cache.rktd
> PLaneT: raco setup: --- creating launchers ---
> PLaneT: raco setup: --- building documentation ---
> PLaneT: raco setup: docs failure: read: illegal use of "."
> PLaneT: raco setup: --- installing collections ---
> PLaneT: raco setup: --- post-installing collections ---
> ...
> The corresponding output from 'planet install' at the command line has no
> problems:
> raco setup: --- pre-installing collections ---
> raco setup: --- compiling collections ---
> raco setup: making: <planet>/nah22/racketui.plt/1/1 (RacketUI)
> raco setup:  in <planet>/nah22/racketui.plt/1/1
> raco setup:  in <planet>/nah22/racketui.plt/1/1/scribblings
> raco setup: making: <planet>/nah22/racketui.plt/1/1/htdocs
> raco setup: making: <planet>/nah22/racketui.plt/1/1/htdocs/css
> raco setup: making: <planet>/nah22/racketui.plt/1/1/htdocs/css/smoothness
> raco setup: making:
> <planet>/nah22/racketui.plt/1/1/htdocs/css/smoothness/images
> raco setup: making: <planet>/nah22/racketui.plt/1/1/htdocs/js
> raco setup: making: <planet>/nah22/racketui.plt/1/1/planet-docs
> raco setup: making: <planet>/nah22/racketui.plt/1/1/planet-docs/racketui
> raco setup: making: <planet>/nah22/racketui.plt/1/1/scribblings
> raco setup: --- updating info-domain tables ---
> raco setup: updating: /Users/nhamid/Library/Racket/planet/300/
> raco setup: --- creating launchers ---
> raco setup: --- building documentation ---
> raco setup: running:
> <planet>/nah22/racketui.plt/1/1/scribblings/racketui.scrbl
> raco setup: skipping: handin-server/scribblings/handin-server.scrbl
> raco setup: skipping: scribblings/main/user/start.scrbl
> raco setup: skipping: scribblings/main/user/search.scrbl
> raco setup: rendering:
> <planet>/nah22/racketui.plt/1/1/scribblings/racketui.scrbl
> raco setup: --- installing collections ---
> raco setup: --- post-installing collections ---
> ------------- Rebuilding documentation index -------------
> raco setup: version: [3m]
> raco setup: variants: 3m
> raco setup: main collects: /Applications/Racket/collects
> raco setup: collects paths:
> raco setup:   /Users/nhamid/Library/Racket/
> raco setup:   /Applications/Racket/collects
> raco setup: --- pre-installing collections ---
> raco setup: --- compiling collections ---
> raco setup: making: scribblings/main/user
> raco setup: --- updating info-domain tables ---
> raco setup: --- creating launchers ---
> raco setup: --- building documentation ---
> raco setup: skipping: handin-server/scribblings/handin-server.scrbl
> raco setup: running: scribblings/main/user/start.scrbl
> raco setup: running: scribblings/main/user/search.scrbl
> raco setup: rendering: scribblings/main/user/start.scrbl
> raco setup: rendering: scribblings/main/user/search.scrbl
> raco setup: --- installing collections ---
> raco setup: --- post-installing collections ---
> _________________________________________________
>   For list-related administrative tasks:
>   http://lists.racket-lang.org/listinfo/users

Posted on the users mailing list.