[racket] Collapsing S-expressions (was "what kind of Racket editor operations would you like to see?")

From: Laurent (laurent.orseau at gmail.com)
Date: Tue Jul 19 11:15:29 EDT 2011

On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 16:53, Rodolfo Carvalho <rhcarvalho at gmail.com>wrote:

> 2011/7/16 Matthias Felleisen <matthias at ccs.neu.edu>
>> On Jul 16, 2011, at 10:04 AM, José Lopes wrote:
>> > The second feature is the ability to expand/collapse function
>> definitions, i.e., hide
>> > the body of a function and just see the name and parameters.
>> You can collapse S-expressions into dots in DrRacket. Perhaps we should
>> offer a menu item to do this for all top-level defines or all class-level
>> defines etc.
> I tried this option some time ago.
> I can collapse s-expressions by right-clicking them and choosing "Collapse
> S-expression", and expand back in a similar fashion.
> That works good for editing the file. Having a way to toggle top-level
> defines would sure be useful.
> However, whenever I use this feature and save the file it goes in "GRacket
> editor format", and though it's still a text file, that's not wanted in many
> cases (for me) (for instance it doesn't play that nice with version
> control).
> (At least that's what I observe in Racket 5.1.1)
> Is there a way to force saving in "text-only" format? (And keep the (...)
> forms in the editor)
I'd love that too! (annotated source files can hardly be used in different
It probably means that folding is reset each time the file is re-opened, but
really I'd be very happy with that.

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