[racket] Emacs, racket and OS X issues

From: Francis Lavoie (lav.francis at gmail.com)
Date: Thu Jul 14 11:31:57 EDT 2011

# sorry, I didn't reply to the list

Starting emacs from shell does work.

I installed quack, it looks like it manage scheme command. There's probably
a way to customize it.

./configure --enable-mac64 : for snow leopard in 64 bit
--enable-xonx : to make a unix like installation (need for --prefix)

Thank you

2011/7/14 John Clements <clements at brinckerhoff.org>

> On Jul 13, 2011, at 8:19 PM, Lavoie Francis wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I want to learn racket. I already started learning lisp from Land of
> Lisp, Practical Common Lisp and a bit of Clojure.
> >
> > For my everyday job (python, javascript) I use emacs, to learn lisp and
> clojure I used emacs with slime. I would like to do the same thing with
> racket but I ran into trouble, emacs can't find racket.
> >
> > First, it looks like emacs for OS X does not use the users' own $PATH,
> but the one of the system. I tried some hack I found on google (
> http://olabini.com/blog/2009/12/path-problem-with-emacs-on-mac-os-x/,
> http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsApp#toc2) without luck, emacs can't
> find racket.
> This one I can shed some light on.  If you start emacs (or any other
> program) from a shell (running in a terminal window), it inherits that
> shell's PATH.  If you start it from the finder, though, it doesn't. One way
> to fix this is to start emacs from a terminal window. Another is to try a
> hack such as the one you describe.  Another one is to explicitly specify the
> path in the command that runs racket.
> >
> > So I tried to compile racket from source. I used the unix build to
> install racket into the standard path.
> >> ./configure --enable-mac64 --enable-xonx --prefix=/usr/local
> > It produced the following error message: --enable-mac64 and --enable-xonx
> are not valid option; but everything runs well and works! Great I can start
> to create some stuff.
> >
> > But I still have some issues. I cannot load gracket, I get an error
> because it is unable to locate cairo.
> > ffi-lib: couldn't open "libcairo.2.dylib" (dlopen(libcairo.2.dylib, 10):
> image not found)
> It certainly looks to me like the problem you're seeing is a result of the
> incompatible flags.  Can you tell me why you want --enable-xonx?  I run
> racket every day on an OS X box without issue.  Is it actually important
> that it run under X?
> John Clements
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