[racket] fixnum on a 64 bit processor
10 minutes ago, Jos Koot wrote:
> Can anyone shed some light on this. I am sure I am doing something
> wrong or I may interprete things wrongly. But what? I can imagine
> that Windows 7 is simulating a 64 bits machine on 32 bits hardware
> and Racket sees through it. I run a Samsung R540 with windows 7. My
> 64 bit Bullguard is running fine on my machine.
If you've installed the released x86 binary, then that's a 32-bit
build, which means that it works the same as it did anywhere else.
You need to use a 64-bit build to get the bigger word sizes. We
started to make those builds shortly after the last release, so you
can try to install Windows 64-bit from the nightly builds page:
((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay:
http://barzilay.org/ Maze is Life!