[racket] Images in Scribble?

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Sat Jul 2 12:26:23 EDT 2011

On Jul 2, 2011, at 12:43 AM, Matthew Flatt wrote:

> But mostly I use the style that Matthias and others suggested, which is
> to write expression that generate images. I usually use
> `slideshow/pict', so if the image is in the file "img.png", then I'd
> write
>  #lang scribble/base
>  @(require slideshow/pict)
>  @(bitmap "img.png")
> where `bitmap' is the function from `slideshow/pict' that takes a
> filename and returns an image.

Don, most images in HtDP2e are done like that still, but the other method is far more convenient. 

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