[racket] Compilation

From: José Lopes (jose.lopes at ist.utl.pt)
Date: Mon Feb 28 13:09:23 EST 2011

It seems that blind calls are working, although I have just performed 
some small tests so far.

I have replaced the line

     pTypeDesc = getMethodType((MX_COM_Object *)argv[0], name, invKind);


       mz_jmp_buf newbuf, * volatile savebuf;
       Scheme_Thread *t;

       t = scheme_get_current_thread();
       savebuf = t->error_buf;
       t->error_buf = &newbuf;

       if (scheme_setjmp(newbuf)) {
           pTypeDesc = NULL;
       } else {
           pTypeDesc = getMethodType((MX_COM_Object *)argv[0], name, 

       t = scheme_get_current_thread();
       t->error_buf = savebuf;

I used another an existing piece of code and transformed it.

Even though it is working, the error message is still being printed. How 
can I supress it?

On 28-02-2011 17:30, Matthew Flatt wrote:
> Run "vcvarsall.bat" from your Visual C installation. That sets
> environment variables so that "xform.rkt" can find and run the C
> compiler.
> At Mon, 28 Feb 2011 16:56:15 +0000, José Lopes wrote:
>> While trying to run xform.rkt I get the following error message several
>> times:
>>       subprocess: expects type<path or string>  as 4th argument, given:
>> #f; given 36 arguments total
>> What should I do?
>> On 28-02-2011 13:52, Matthew Flatt wrote:
>>> The VisStudio project writes the DLL to the right place, so as soon as
>>> you build, then running Racket will use the new one.
>>> Beware that the "Release" mode of the MysterX project is for a CGC DLL.
>>> To build the 3m DLL, you have to run the "xform.rkt" script and then
>>> build using the "3m" project mode.
>>> At Sat, 26 Feb 2011 22:19:36 +0000, José Lopes wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I want to make changes in MysterX and execute Racket with the freshly
>>>> compiled DLL. I have checked out the racket source, I have compiled
>>>> everything using build.bat, I have made the changes I wanted to MysterX
>>>> and compiled it again from Visual Studio. How should I proceed now to
>>>> get the new DLL executing with Racket?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> José
>>>> -- 
>>>> José António Branquinho de Oliveira Lopes
>>>> 58612 - MEIC-A
>>>> jose.lopes at ist.utl.pt
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>>>>     For list-related administrative tasks:
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>> -- 
>> José António Branquinho de Oliveira Lopes
>> 58612 - MEIC-A
>> jose.lopes at ist.utl.pt
>> _________________________________________________
>>    For list-related administrative tasks:
>>    http://lists.racket-lang.org/listinfo/users

José António Branquinho de Oliveira Lopes
58612 - MEIC-A
jose.lopes at ist.utl.pt

Posted on the users mailing list.