[racket] tests/eli-tester feedback (Was: Racket unit testing)

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Mon Feb 14 11:28:07 EST 2011

On Feb 13, 2011, at 10:15 PM, Neil Van Dyke wrote:

> Going back to that root requirement... I think that unit testing should be so central to contemporary programming that we should just pick some syntax that makes sense for practical development both large and small, use it everywhere, and simply expect people who are looking at the source to know what Racket unit tests look like.  If we can do this canonical test syntax sensibly, and the syntax is set up so that we can plug in our own user interfaces for running the tests, I will convert all my existing and new open source code to use this canonical syntax.

How about you look at three test suites and make a concrete proposal and take on the task of implementing the merger. We'll grant you write access to the repository in return -- Matthias

Posted on the users mailing list.