[racket] date format conversion

From: prad (prad at towardsfreedom.com)
Date: Sat Feb 12 21:55:57 EST 2011

Neil Van Dyke <neil at neilvandyke.org> writes:

> You might enjoy the HTDP textbook ("http://htdp.org/"), which teaches
> using tests like these as part of problem-solving process.

we are going to get that book. we figure if people are decent enough to
offer it for free on the net, the least we can do is to buy it.

we bought sicp for the same reason and my son worked his way right
through it and is helping me. it was originally recommended to us by
michael vanier of caltech and for us it has been "the book" for more
than just computer science!

the open source/education community is simply amazing!

in friendship,

Posted on the users mailing list.