[racket] Highlighting in DrRacket
On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 6:39 PM, Shriram Krishnamurthi <sk at cs.brown.edu> wrote:
>> The problem here is that the pink
>> goes away while you're looking at it. I can make some guesses as to why
>> you might have made the pink highlighting time-out [...]
> What version are you in? There was a bug in 5.0.1 that caused the
> pink highlight to disappear. (Basically, when you have the buffer in
> an unsaved state, DrRacket auto-saves. Auto-saving changes the buffer
> state, which causes the highlight to go away, just as editing does.)
Oh, yes! I'd forgotten about this.
If you need 5.0.1, I can probably tell you how to patch it to disable
autosaving during lecture or something. (Fixing the bug is probably
best accomplished by upgrading to 5.0.2.)