[racket] Racket documentation for web development is just awful!
2011/12/17 Racket Noob <racketnoob at hotmail.com>:
> I've already read. Continue tutorial is not bad, I passed through it
> (congratulations, Danny Yoo, you're man!)
Wait, wait. You can't thank me on this one and ignore Jay on this:
he's a co-author. He absolutely shares the blame for that document
too! :)
A few people are pointing out that criticizing Jay for writing a
reference manual is somewhat unfair. I agree. Documents have a
particular audience in mind, and the reference docs are not primarily
meant to be tutorial material, but to describe a system in
excruciating detail.
> But now when I want to make the next step and further understand the web
> development in Racket,
I think you're really complaining about the following: you're not
finding easy "next steps" to continue after the Continue tutorial. Is
that your understanding as well?
That would mean, not that the reference documentation is not
necessarily badly written, but rather that there's a lack of a
tutorial treatment of the advanced features in the library.
If that's the case, if you can point out what you think is missing
from the story of developing Racket web apps, that would be really
helpful for me and other potential authors. Is there a particular
topic that you want to understand?