[racket] In rkt or scheme, is there way to refer to the value of last expression?
Thanks for all the good answers as usual.
BTW, rkt is very "practical" in the sense it makes me think about
programming in a way that I normally do not in my more mundane chores.
On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 9:29 AM, Richard Cleis <rcleis at mac.com> wrote:
> I was thinking that a person mailing from 'fundingmatters' is asking a more practical question, for which 'compose' is the answer :O)
> #lang racket/base
> (define some-list '(1 2 3))
> (define proc-1 +)
> (define proc-2 sqrt)
> (define (proc-n v) (* v 10))
> (define f (compose proc-n proc-2 proc-1))
> (apply f some-list)
> rac
> On Dec 12, 2011, at 5:08 PM, Danny Yoo wrote:
>>> Just for the readability, is it possible to write
>>> some-list
>>> (proc-1 some-list)
>>> (proc-2 (val-of-last-expression))
>>> ...
>>> (proc-n (val-of-last-expression)) ;where n is 'largeish'
>>> instead of
>>> (proc-n ... (proc-2 (proc-1 some-list))))))))))))
>> Possible. The syntax in Racket is programmable enough that adding it
>> to the language isn't so bad.
>> Let's say that we'd like to extend Racket's syntax so that it supports
>> a (begin/it ...) form that acts like begin, but it also binds the
>> value of the last expression. How do we do this?
>> First, let's reserve the name "it" the value of the very last
>> expression. We can create a context-sensitive keyword by using
>> define-syntax-parameter:
>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>> (define-syntax-parameter it
>> (lambda (stx)
>> (raise-syntax-error #f "it should be used only in the context of a
>> begin/it" stx)))
>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>> We'll have it so if we use 'it' by accident, then it'll raise a syntax
>> error with the right source location error.
>> Next, we can introduce a begin/it form that works like begin, except
>> that it binds intermediate results:
>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>> (define-syntax (begin/it stx)
>> (syntax-case stx ()
>> [(_ b)
>> #'b]
>> [(_ b b-rest ...)
>> (syntax/loc stx
>> (let ([b-val b])
>> (syntax-parameterize ([it
>> (make-rename-transformer #'b-val)])
>> (begin/it b-rest ...))))]))
>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>> Here's the complete source, with an example of its use:
>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>> #lang racket/base
>> (require (for-syntax racket/base)
>> racket/stxparam)
>> (define-syntax-parameter it
>> (lambda (stx)
>> (raise-syntax-error #f "it should be used only in the context of a
>> begin/it" stx)))
>> (define-syntax (begin/it stx)
>> (syntax-case stx ()
>> [(_ b)
>> #'b]
>> [(_ b b-rest ...)
>> (syntax/loc stx
>> (let ([b-val b])
>> (syntax-parameterize ([it
>> (make-rename-transformer #'b-val)])
>> (begin/it b-rest ...))))]))
>> (define (f x)
>> (* x x))
>> (define (g x) (* x x x))
>> ;; Exercise:
>> (begin/it
>> (+ 1 2)
>> (f it) ;; ... Um, didn't mean to swear there.
>> (g it))
>> (g (f (+ 1 2)))
>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
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