[racket] New user wanting to know where to go

From: Kenny Hegeland (hegek87 at yahoo.com)
Date: Wed Aug 31 19:00:45 EDT 2011

I dont know much of racket and a lot of stuff on this board goes much over my head(lots of smart people here), but I would recommend HTdP, it's an excellently written book. I'm thankful for mathias, shriram, Robby, and mathew, this book is what piqued my interest in computer science. I can't recommend it enough. 

On Aug 31, 2011, at 6:12 PM, Sam Donow <drsam94 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been a part of this list for a while, but until now I have not asked anything.
> I was introduced to Racket recently, and immediately found it intriguing and began writing programs in it for whatever purposes I saw appropriate (previously I knew only C++ and Java, I am still a high school student with little in the way of formal computer science education)
> So, I was wondering, other than obviously waiting and taking college courses, what routes anyone would suggest to learn the language.  So far I have relied on the help of a couple of friends who are CS majors and the docs online, and looking at the questions on this list most things go over my head.  I have seen a lot about the book How to Design Programs here, would that be a good option?
> Any advice on how to learn Racket, or programming principles in general which could aid in its learning, will be much appreciated.
> Sam
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