[racket] Mediawiki dedicated to Liitin/Racket/Scheme code + more

From: Daniel Silva (daniel at danielsilva.org)
Date: Sat Aug 27 00:02:18 EDT 2011

Have you looked at http://schemecookbook.org/ ?

On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 6:34 PM, Jukka Tuominen
<jukka.tuominen at finndesign.fi> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have just founded a new mediawiki page as an attempt to offer a
> light-weight forum to share free (LGPL) Liitin/Racket/Scheme content. You
> can contribute anonymously and no Liitin account is required.
> It doesn't matter if a new topic starts messy or incomplete. The threshold
> to place something on this wiki should be extremely low. If you find
> something even remotely useful or interesting even for your own purpose,
> just go ahead and submit it - it is likely to be useful to many others, too.
> If in doubt, submit it. If the work is old and propably not compatible with
> the current Racket, or even made in some other dialect, or the
> code/documentation is left unfinished, it could still offer a useful
> starting point for others.
> There can even be more generic subjects of interest like sound, GUI,
> robotics, AI etc. with useful information and pointers added gradually.
> Sure, there are other places to find snippets, but somehow they always seem
> somehow remote or you feel a bit 'reserved' whether your stuff is 'worthy'
> of 'publishing' to them. Also, this is not intended to compete with more
> established forums like PLaneT, RFI and such. If anything, this could
> precede them as a messy, zero-threshold test bench.
> Since the shape for this kind of forum is largely open, feel free to suggest
> even structural changes (or just make them where feasible).
> Please, visit http://liitin.finndesign.fi/site/index.php/wiki and make
> yourself at home!
> br, jukka
> |  J U K K A   T U O M I N E N
> |  m a n a g i n g   d i r e c t o r  M. A.
> |
> |  Finndesign  Kauppiaankatu 13, FI-00160 Helsinki, Finland
> |  mobile +358 50 5666290
> |  jukka.tuominen at finndesign.fi  www.finndesign.fi
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