[racket] For new Racket users
Eli Barzilay <eli at ...> writes:
> (define (translate str)
> (define A (char->integer #\a))
> (define (rotate x) (+ A (modulo (- x A -2) 26)))
> (regexp-replace* #rx#"[a-z]" str (λ (m) (bytes (rotate (bytes-ref m 0))))))
That's definitely better. Hadn't read the docs for regexp-replace
close enough... hope you don't mind if I paste this into the challenge
> In any case, it's easy to write some tr-style utility, the question is
> whether it has any practical use. (I've seen a number, they were all
> from such toys.)
I don't think a tr library would be that useful if you
can just pass a lambda to regexp-replace...