[racket] user's guide feedback/questions as I prepare for my PL course

From: Shriram Krishnamurthi (sk at cs.brown.edu)
Date: Fri Aug 26 18:07:49 EDT 2011

>    b. "you can show them an untyped/typed interaction that is
> eye-opening for the better students and shows them something truly on
> the cutting edge of PL research" -- now this is very intriguing and
> sounds like a great addition to the lecture on static/dynamic typing.
> Hopefully Shriram (to call him out by name) will reply to the list
> with a fleshed out description of the example he uses

There are several different ways of setting up even this illustration.
Here is one of them.  There are three "files" below.

===== untyped-sort.rkt =====
#lang racket

(define (isort l)
    [(empty? l) l]
    [(cons? l) (insert (first l)
                       (isort (rest l)))]))

(provide isort)

(define (insert e l)
    [(empty? l) (cons e l)]
    [(cons? l) (if (<= e (first l))
                   (cons e l)
                   (cons (first l)
                         (insert e (rest l))))]))

===== typed-sort.rkt =====
#lang typed/racket

(: isort ((Listof Real) -> (Listof Real)))
(define (isort l)
    [(empty? l) l]
    [(cons? l) (insert (first l)
                       (isort (rest l)))]))

(provide isort)

(: insert (Real (Listof Real) -> (Listof Real)))
(define (insert e l)
    [(empty? l) (cons e l)]
    [(cons? l) (if (<= e (first l))
                   (cons e l)
                   (cons (first l)
                         (insert e (rest l))))]))

===== client.rkt (or an unsaved buffer will do) =====
#lang racket

(require [prefix-in ut: "untyped-sort.rkt"])
(require [prefix-in ty: "typed-sort.rkt"])

;; These two will work
(and (equal? (ut:isort (list 3 1 2)) (list 1 2 3))
     (equal? (ty:isort (list 3 1 2)) (list 1 2 3)))

;; This won't work:
;(ut:isort (list "abc" "xyz"))
;;with this error message:
; untyped-sort.rkt:14:19: <=: expects type <real number> as 1st
argument, given: "abc"; other arguments were: "xyz"

;; This won't work either:
;(ty:isort (list "abc" "xyz"))
;; with this (VERY DIFFERENT) error message:
;isort2: contract violation, expected <Real>, given: "abc"
;  contract from
;    C:\Users\sk\Desktop\typed-sort.rkt
;  blaming anonymous-module
;  contract:
;    (-> (listof Real) (listof Real))

There are many variations on this, eg, where the untyped code imports
the implementation from the typed code, typed from untyped, contracts
on the untyped.

Hopefully you'll also have a skeptical student who wonders where the
violation was actually caught in the typed version -- put differently,
how much of the typed code ran?  Modify it:

(define (isort l)
  (printf "got here~n")
  (cond ...

You see several lines of output in "good calls", but none for the bad
one, showing that the typed function *never even ran*.


Posted on the users mailing list.