[racket] disabling scribble/manual HTML navigation bars

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Wed Aug 24 19:45:41 EDT 2011

At Wed, 24 Aug 2011 19:32:07 -0400, Neil Van Dyke wrote:
> When using "scribble/manual" to produce one-page HTML documentation for 
> a PLaneT package... is there an option to prevent the navigation bars 
> (i.e., the gray "...search manuals...", "top", "prev", etc. things) from 
> being added?
> (Reason for asking: I like to use this HTML for the home page of the 
> package on my personal Web site, but the navigation bar doesn't do 
> anything there.  I can just write a little script to modify the HTML 
> after the fact; just checking whether there's a better way.)

I think the navigation bar is added by `raco setup'. If you run
`scribble' directly on the main document file, then the navigation bar
is not included.

Getting the links right may involve various extra flags to `scribble',
though, such as

 ++xref-in setup/xref load-collections-xref


 --redirect-main http://docs.racket-lang.org/

Posted on the users mailing list.