[racket] Functional zipper with multiple cursors?
I'm trying to implement a functional interface to a tree. One of the
standard things I can do is a zipper, which supports a single hole
where the "focus" lives.
However, as I understand it, zippers only support one "hole". One of
the things I'd love to have is a zipper with multiple foci. The
focused elements don't even necessarily have to be siblings. I'm
trying to mimic the interface of a library like JQuery, which provides
a way to select a collection of nodes at once; it makes certain tree
manipulations really fun to do.
I've seen mention of it in:
with a reference to Oleg's "Zippers with Several Holes" code at
http://okmij.org/ftp/continuations/zipper.html#zipper2. Has anyone
had experience implementing something like this?