[racket] need to control PLaneT versions

From: Jay McCarthy (jay.mccarthy at gmail.com)
Date: Tue Aug 23 13:30:46 EDT 2011

In my first Planet 2.0 proposal, this was solved by having external
linking of Planet modules and a "sealing" mechanism that hard-wires to
the current installed package versions (writing new package metadata)
so the package can be installed with exactly the same setup. This
requires a lot of complicated machinery that might be a bad idea.

In the new plan for Planet 2.0, we're going to take an approach much
similar to OS distributions like Ubuntu where you can use things like
custom repositories, version numbers in package names (rather than a
system-concept), and package lists of approved packages. This is
clearly flexible enough for things like Ubuntu and it seems we could
build something more like the complicated plan if necessary.


On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 11:15 AM, Neil Van Dyke <neil at neilvandyke.org> wrote:
> PLaneT issue I've mentioned this in the past, and it just bit me again...
> For production systems that use PLaneT packages, we need a way for an
> application programmer to control the versions of *all* PLaneT packages --
> including the ones pulled in indirectly, by dependencies from packages that
> we explicitly "require".  This is in addition to mechanisms for
> authenticating versions and auditing that I've mentioned before.
> I loaded up some code for a production system into DrScheme 4.2.5 (to
> investigate a possible regression unrelated to PLaneT packages.  I did not
> have PLaneT linkages and caches for 4.2.5 on this machine.  DrScheme
> crunched for 15+ minutes while it was installing a bunch of PlaneT packages.
>  In addition to the PLaneT packages I expected, I noticed it started pulling
> in many packages from the impressive-looking "bzlib/" set, which this
> application does not use explicitly and has not pulled in in the past.
>  (Eventually DrScheme 4.2.5 exhausted all my RAM and was thrashing this
> swap-less system, probably thrashing disk caches in and out.)
> Not only are we getting different versions of libraries than we expect, but
> we're pulling in a whole family of packages that we were not when this same
> code was run before.  Even though we are explicitly "require"-ing exact
> versions of all the packages we "require" explicitly, if one of those has a
> non-exact "require" on a second package, that can give us a different
> version, and that different version can do whatever it wants, including
> "require"-ing everything in the PLaneT repository or making embarrassing
> posts from our Facebook account.
> --
> http://www.neilvandyke.org/
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Jay McCarthy <jay at cs.byu.edu>
Assistant Professor / Brigham Young University

"The glory of God is Intelligence" - D&C 93

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