[racket] Help On User Libraries - The Basics
I've been using Racket on and off for years and am currently in an 'on'
period. Whenever I come back, I seem to hit it seems I hit same conceptual
brick walls. Here is one of them: How does one create and use a simple,
basic, User Library / Collection?
For the current conversation, for now, assume the following context: 1)
Using racket at the command-line (i.e., no DrRacket) 2) No Planet. 3) Fresh
as of this morning built Racket from HEAD on Linux 4) Typed Racket
The goal is to write a few common utility / library code that I frequently
reuse in various projects.
First question, are "collections" the way to do this?
Assuming yes, I create a personal "rktlib" collection root and populate it
with a collection "c1" which has a subcollection "sc1".
$ mkdir -p /code/rktlib/c1/sc1
In c1/ I create top.rkt
#lang typed/racket/base
(provide hello)
(require "sc1/there.rkt")
(define (hello)
(printf "Hello ~a\n" (there)))
In c1/sc1/
#lang typed/racket/base
(provide there)
(define (there) "there")
And finally in c1/ create an info
#lang setup/infotab
(define name "c1")
Again, for now, lets put aside the 57 varieties of 'require'.
Fire up my repl with the path to my personal collection and invoke.
[ray at ray rktlib]$ rlwrap /usr/local/racket/bin/racket -i -S /code/rktlib
Welcome to Racket v5.1.3.3.
> (require c1/top)
> (hello)
Hello there
Works, so now compile it to zos.
[ray at ray rktlib]$ rlwrap /usr/local/racket/bin/racket -i -S /code/rktlib
Welcome to Racket v5.1.3.3.
> (require compiler/compiler)
> (compile-collection-zos "c1")
for-each: expects type <proper list> as 2nd argument, given: #<void>; other
arguments were: #<procedure:.../compiler/cm.rkt:594:4>
=== context ===
/usr/local/racket/collects/compiler/compiler-unit.rkt:199:13: for-loop
Next question, what am I doing wrong?
Important!!! - the above error line of 199 is off from the github HEAD code
as I've added a few printfs in compiler-unit.rkt elided above. I think the
original line was #194 in compiler-unit.rkt.
Which branches out into another one of those brick walls. Errors and how
to deal with them.
In the old days it seemed I generally got an accurate error line and stack
trace. In the above error, I'm pretty sure the error is occurring in the
"worker" for-each which is not lexically near line 194. The context
information is less than helpful in the sense that misc.rkt:87 is the repl's
invoke and then the next thing I'm given is the for-loop error. All in all
a rather thin context to work with.
I've tried to ask racket to provide a full stack trace with things like
adding '-l errortrace' when invoking racket, but to no avail. So next
question, how do I compel racket to provide the full call stack on errors?
Thanks in advance,
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