[racket] Using get-pure-port
I have a question about using get/post-pure-port.
I'm using Racket v5.1.2.3 and FreeBSD 8.2.
It seems tcp-port is still opened after I used get-pure-port.
How can I close this? The code is below.
(require net/url)
(let ((in (get-pure-port (string->url
(display-to-file (port->bytes in) (build-path (find-system-path
'home-dir) "google-logo1.png"))
(close-input-port in))
---In console---
% fsat | grep 'racket.*tcp'
myusername racket 948 5* internet stream tcp ca70b7e0
(I think fstat is similar with lsof in linux.)
I know that this won't happen when I use tcp-connect as below.
(let-values (((i o) (tcp-connect "www.google.com" 80)))
(display "GET /intl/en_com/images/srpr/logo3w.png HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n" o)
(close-output-port o)
(display-to-file (second (regexp-split #"\r\n\r\n" (port->bytes i)))
(build-path (find-system-path 'home-dir) "google-logo2.png"))
(close-input-port i))
Although this isn't a big problem when I use the procedure only few times,
after used tens of thousands times it causes crash due to too many open file.
I will appreciate any help.
Shogo Yamazaki