[racket] Typed Racket: Defining a sequence predicate
Hi again,
Thank you for the quick and helpful response!
> This is a bug; it should give you roughly the same error as above, but
> for the different reason. The problem is that we'd need to check
> *every* element of the sequence to make sure it had the right type,
> which a simple predicate can't do. You'd need to write a coercion
> function, which Typed Racket could probably help with -- I'll try to
> do that soon.
OK. I've worked around the problem by defining an untyped module
containing a dummy procedure:
;;;; --- typed-sequence.rkt ---
#lang racket
(provide sequence->sequence)
(define sequence->sequence identity)
and using that along with an opaque import:
;;;; --- main.rkt ---
#lang typed/racket
(require/typed racket
[opaque Sequence sequence?])
(require/typed "typed-sequence.rkt"
[sequence->sequence (Sequence -> (Sequenceof Any))])
which is an amazingly ugly hack, but works. For now. :)
Thanks again,