[racket] need feedback on syntax-expanding/rewriting image-snips
I'm trying to support image snips in Whalesong. I think I have
something working, but wanted to run it by folks on the list to make
sure I haven't done something incredibly silly.
One of the problems that comes up is due to architecture: Whalesong
uses compiler/zo-parse, and compiler/zo-parse only takes in input
ports. I have to dance through a few hoops to get an appropriate
input port.
1. Given a path, I try calling get-module-code from the
syntax/modcode collection.
2. I then take that compiled-code value and write it into one end
of an output-string-port, and then create a fresh string input port
for use with zo-parse, since zo-parse needs a pipe that supports
The code ends up looking like this:
#lang racket
(require syntax/modcode
;; path_>bytecode-port: path->port
;; Consumes the path to a Racket module, and produces a bytecode-port that's
;; suitable for use with compiler/zo-parse.
(define (path->bytecode-port a-path)
(parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-namespace)])
(define code (get-module-code a-path))
(define outp (open-output-bytes))
(write code outp)
(open-input-bytes (get-output-bytes outp))))
(define some-toplevel-structure
(build-path "/home/dyoo/work/whalesong/examples/hello.rkt"))))
This works. Sorta. The difficulty lies when I deal with files that
have embedded snips in them, because the inner call to write fails:
snips don't serialize.
I end up having to do something a bit more elaborate: I don't use
get-module-code directly, but instead do the following:
1. read-syntax and expand to get a fully expanded syntax.
2. inject a helper module of my own that can create images out of
url strings.
3. walk the expanded syntax tree and replace the image snips with
calls to that image-url helper function.
4. finally, compile to bytecode and write it to my port, which
works because the image snips are replaced with vanilla function
The whole thing is in:
It's a bit more elaborate. I'm nervous particularly about
expand-out-images.rkt. I have no idea if I'm doing it right. In
fact, in some sense, I'm sure I'm doing something wrong: I don't quite
know what to do if the original program defines its own bindings that
clash with the image library. At the moment, if you look at how I'm
defining my-image-url in expand-out-images.rkt, I'm parameterizing it
with the value I get out of generate-temporaries, just to try to avoid
the name clash. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated here.