[racket] Creating ids from symbols
> From: Matthew Flatt <mflatt at cs.utah.edu>
> http://docs.racket-lang.org/guide/reflection.html
> for more information about namespaces.
In the end, I couldn't get no loving from it. BUT, I did discover the following ...
Suppose I define the file cache.rkt:
(module cache racket
(provide encache inspect-cache set-cache)
;(require racket/serialize)
(define cache (void))
(define-syntax encache
(syntax-rules ()
((encache var)
(set-cache (cons (quote var) (lambda () var))))))
(define (set-cache v)
(set! cache v))
(define (inspect-cache)
(displayln (format "~a ~a" (car cache) ((cdr cache)))))
;; end
and a calling file foo.rkt:
#lang racket
(require (file "./cache.rkt"))
(define f 7)
(encache f)
(set! f 13)
(inspect-cache) ;=> f 13
;; end
It's far short of a full implementation, in that it only stores one value rather than many, doesn't serialize date to a file, and so on. But it does allow the module to take a sneak at the current value of the variable.
Maybe an interesting idea would be to create a way of creating a variable that represents the contents of some box, and see how that could be incorporated into a caching module.