[racket] External connection to Finndesign Liitin

From: Jon Rafkind (rafkind at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Wed Aug 3 14:27:24 EDT 2011

If I run liitin.rkt (either on the command line or in drracket) it
complains there is no #lang line. When I add one I get this error

compile: unbound identifier (and no #%app syntax transformer is bound)
at: quote in: (quote (quote gaia:fibonacci:2011-01-01T12:00:00))

On 08/03/2011 04:36 AM, Jukka Tuominen wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would just like to inform you that you can now make a read-only connection
> to public Liitin objects even if you don't have a Liitin account. We have
> tested this with Windows XP and Ubuntu 10.04 with R 5.1 so far, but
> hopefully it works with many other systems, as well. I'd appreciate any
> feedback on both successes and failures.
> Just place the attached files within the same folder and run the liitin.rkt
> in DrRacket. Both files contain quite a lot information and examples, but
> just shortly:
> You can call Liitin objects as if local definitions, e.g.
> (gaia:fibonacci 10)
> (mirko:eliza "i can't play piano")
> (map gaia:fibonacci '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)); combine freely with local
> primitives (map in this case)
> (jtu100:calculator~); GUI example (functionality not implemented)
> The connection speed is not yet optimised in any way, but then again, how
> much time would it normally take to find, install, look for updates, run,
> and uninstall a native application? :)
> Just a small, real-life example: I noticed that the above mentioned
> calculator sketch (jtu100:calculator~) had the default title-bar name
> "Frame", so I looked-up the object (within Liitin account), changed the name
> to "Calculator" and pressed the "Save update" button (see Liitin tutorial in
> Youtube). It took less than a minute to find, correct and publish the new
> version coming into effect immediately for users globally. Racket's
> JIT-compiler makes wonders!
> To create new Liitin objects, you need a Liitin account. You can connect to
> Liitin account from most operating systems by VNC.
> Eventhough the provided examples are function and Racket oriented, the
> objects can be of any type. Just anything that you would like to access any
> time later or something that could benefit from the built-in version control
> or publishing channel.
> Obvious places for trouble when using the external connection:
> - Object calling a private Liitin object
> - Object calling a Liitin-internal primitive
> - Object calling an OS or HW specific function
> Any feedback highly appreciated!
> br, jukka
> ps, if anyone wants to place content to Liitin, just let me know. Or, if you
> already have an account, you can just help yourself :)
> |  J U K K A   T U O M I N E N
> |  m a n a g i n g   d i r e c t o r  M. A.
> |
> |  Finndesign  Kauppiaankatu 13, FI-00160 Helsinki, Finland
> |  mobile +358 50 5666290
> |  jukka.tuominen at finndesign.fi  www.finndesign.fi
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