[racket] My racketcon 2011 talk
> Odd! Yeah, I'm currently doing everything using Chrome. But anything
> that breaks under other browsers is a bug, so I'll add this to my bug
> list.
Ok, try this one for Firefox 6.
Notes about what happened:
... ok, I'm seeing at least two issues with Firefox 6. One of this is
my use of the 'arity' attribute for primitive functions, which I see
is not playing well with Firefox 6's use of that attribute. Ugh, ok,
so I will rename that in the internal runtime to avoid that issue.
But one of them, though, appears to be a bug in Firefox 6. Firefox 6
is telling me that the innermost reference to successFunction is not
lexically bound in the following code:
var adaptWorldFunction = function(worldFunction) {
return function() {
// Consumes any number of arguments.
var successFunction = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
function(v) {
function(err) {
// FIXME: do error trapping
}].concat([].slice.call(arguments, 0, arguments.length - 1)));
However, if I change this to the following, Firefox 6 is happy:
var adaptWorldFunction = function(worldFunction) {
var successFunction;
return function() {
// Consumes any number of arguments.
successFunction = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
function(v) {
function(err) {
// FIXME: do error trapping
}].concat([].slice.call(arguments, 0, arguments.length - 1)));
Good grief. As we Racketeers know, the first approach should have
been perfectly ok too! I guess I'm trying to say this: this is not
completely my fault. :) This looks like a Firefox 6 bug, and a
serious one. Does anyone know how to submit a bug report to the
Mozilla folks?
I haven't patched Whalesong yet to regenerate the other code examples,
but here's the talk slides for Firefox 6 that I fixed by hand: