[racket] color partial lexemes
No. It should back up to the previous lexeme and start there.
On Tuesday, August 2, 2011, Jon Rafkind <rafkind at cs.utah.edu> wrote:
> On 08/01/2011 06:40 PM, Matthew Flatt wrote:
>> At Mon, 01 Aug 2011 18:13:11 -0600, Jon Rafkind wrote:
>>> How do I deal with partial lexemes when using the color:text colorer? It
>>> seems that if my lexer cannot produce a valid token then it will throw
>>> an error and the color thread will keep calling `get-token' in a busy
>>> Is there some magic thing I can return from `get-token' to tell the
>>> colorer that it should not progress to the next position?
>> A coloring lexer's job is to never fail. It should instead categorize
>> bad input as 'error and be ready to continue.
>> Continuing can mean categorizing all further input as 'error, but it's
>> usually better to continue in some other way.
> It seems the colorer re-tokenizes the entire input stream each time I
> enter a character. Is that the expected behavior?
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