[racket] I did not expect this code to work but it did. So now I am a bit puzzled by how dispatch-rule work with K-URL.
At the bottom of this email is a code that I did not think would work but it
did. (The code is a combination of get-number and count-dot-com
tutorial. I first ask the user to type in a number. If it's 42, then
count-dot-com is evaluated. If not 42, it keeps asking for a number.
(To run it, you might have to change the
path to htdocs.))
1) URL /secret presents a form.
2) The above step does recur until 42 is submitted.
3) Then it evaluates the code from count-dot-com example with 42 as
initial value.
4) + and - works as in the solo tutorial: At this point, URL looks
something like
At step 4, I expected the dispatch rule to intercept it and go into get-number
routine (i.e. Step 1) but it does not.
QUESTION: Is the dispatch rule called and it's smart enough to
hand it off? Or because of K-URL, dispatch rule is bypassed entirely
by the server?
Thanks in advance.
The code:
#lang racket
(require web-server/servlet
(define-values (handle-if-url-match hanlder->url)
[("") say-hello]
[("secret") (make-guarded-dispatcher reveal-secret)]))
(define (say-hello req)
`(html (head (title "Hello world!"))
(body (p "Hey out there!")))))
(define (reveal-secret req)
(count-dot-com 42))
(define (count-dot-com i)
(λ (embed/url)
(head (title "Count!"))
(body (h2 (a ([href ,(embed/url
(λ (req)
(sub1 i)))])
(form ([action ,(embed/url
(λ (req)
(count-dot-com (sub1 i))))]
[method "POST"])
(input ([type "submit"]
[value "-"]))))
(h1 ,(number->string i))
(h2 (a ([href ,(embed/url
(λ (req)
(add1 i)))])
(form ([action ,(embed/url
(λ (req)
(count-dot-com (add1 i))))]
[method "POST"])
(input ([type "submit"]
[value "+"])))))))))))
(define (make-guarded-dispatcher next-dispatcher)
(define (guarded-dispatcher req)
(define (get-number label)
(define query
(λ (k-url)
`(html (head (title "Enter a number"))
(form ([action ,k-url])
(input ([name "number"]))
(input ([type "submit"])))))))))
(string->number (extract-binding/single 'number
(request-bindings query))))
(define n (get-number "secret number"))
(if (= 42 n)
(next-dispatcher req)
(guarded-dispatcher req)))
(define (start request)
(handle-if-url-match request))
(serve/servlet start
#:command-line? #t
#:launch-browser? #t
#:quit? #t
#:listen-ip #f
#:port 8080
#:log-file "log"
#:extra-files-paths (list (build-path
"/Users/..../addhoc" "htdocs"))
#:servlet-regexp #rx"")