[racket] My PLT->Racket porting experience

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Mon Apr 18 10:18:47 EDT 2011

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 7:33 AM, Don Blaheta <dblaheta at monm.edu> wrote:
> Quoth Stephen Chang:
>> I've never seen a dialog box appear behind another window in drracket,
>> but I have on occasion, due to my own doing, lost a dialog box behind
>> another window, and subsequently gotten frustrated when the buttons in
>> drracket become unresponsive, like what Drew described.
> This reminds me of a related problem my students often run into: losing
> the test case results.  They see it because they all tend to maximise
> the main window, so if they don't close or dock the test case window it
> gets hidden, and it doesn't resurface the next time they click Run.[0]  So
> they get confused as to why "none of the test cases are failing".  I've
> learned that when they say this I need to look for the *absence* of the
> phrase "All X tests passed!" in the interactions, which means there were
> *some* failures and I have to go hunting for the window.
> I wouldn't want to see the test case window be sticky and impossible to
> send to the back, but it would be nice if it always came to front when
> you click Run and there are some failures.
> [0]Well, not always.  Sometimes the window resurfaces, and I don't know
> why.  Usually not.

Sorry for the long delay in getting to this.

I'm not sure if this has been fixed already, but when I try this with
simple programs I see the window reappearing every time and, as far as
I can tell, there should not be any race-conditions or anything like
that (at least I don't see anything suspicious in that direction).

So: maybe someone else already fixed this, or maybe I just don't have
a complicated enough program to see the problem. Don: if you have a
student's program where the test window doesn't appear (even 1 in 10
tries to see the bad behavior is okay with me at this point), that
would be useful to me.


Posted on the users mailing list.