[racket] webserver mapping servlets to path

From: J G Cho (gcho at fundingmatters.com)
Date: Sun Apr 17 01:06:53 EDT 2011

To those familiar with Web Server,

I am a bit lost trying to map servlets to paths. e.g.:

servlet1.rkt should requests to http://localhost:8080/app1
servlet2.rkt should requests to http://localhost:8080/app2


First, I tried the following:

(require "servlet1.rkt" "servlet2.rkt") ; they export servlet1-start
and servlet2-start

(define-values (blog-dispatch blog-url)
       [("app1") servlet1-start]
       [("app2") servlet2-start]
       [else say-hello]))

(define (say-hello req)
     	`(html (head (title "Hello world!"))
            (body (p "Hey out there!")))))

(define (start request)
	(blog-dispatch request))

(serve/servlet start
               #:command-line? #t
               #:launch-browser? #t
               #:quit? #t
               #:listen-ip #f
               #:port 8080
               #:log-file "log"
               #:extra-files-paths (list (build-path
"/Users/../../multi-serve" "htdocs"))
	       #:servlet-regexp #rx"")

It sort of works but the PROBLEM with the above is, requests for
static files are dispatched to say-hello. QUESTION: Is there a way to
write a handler to serve static files? So I can replace say-hello with
such procedure. (I think putting the Web Server behind Apache might
work but have not tested it yet. Have Apache serve the static files

Second, I tried the following:

(define (dispatch request)
  (define paths (map path/param-path (url-path (request-uri request))))
  (define 2nd-path (if (< (length paths) 2)
                       (second paths)))
    [(equal? "app1" 2nd-path) (servlet1-start request)]
    [(equal? "app2" 2nd-path) (servlet2-start request)]
    [else (say-hello request)]))

(define (say-hello request)
     	`(html (head (title "Hello world!"))
            (body (p "How is it going?")))))

(define (start request)
	(dispatch request))

(serve/servlet start
               #:command-line? #t
               #:launch-browser? #t
               #:quit? #t
               #:listen-ip #f
               #:port 8080
               #:log-file "log"
               #:extra-files-paths (list (build-path
"/Users/../../multi-serve" "htdocs"))
               #:servlet-path "/servlets")

It does handle the static files but now the PROBLEM is that the server
thinks http://localhost:8080/servlets/app1 is static file not found on
the system instead of passing it to this servlet.

I would be very grateful if some one knows a solution or a better way
to go about it.


Posted on the users mailing list.