[racket] Embedded docs

From: Mark Carter (mcturra2000 at yahoo.co.uk)
Date: Thu Apr 7 10:05:36 EDT 2011

OK, I cleared up some of my problems in a previous post. It seems I have to do
   raco setup
to rebuild the module and documentation.

There's a problem, though. I have:

  (-> string?
      string?) ; the output
  @{Say something meaningful about http-get.}))

but when I try to run the module, I get
 proc-doc/names: bad syntax in: (proc-doc/names http-get (-> string? string?) 
(string-url) @ (Say something meaningful about http-get.))

I have used an example in files/gif.rkt as a template, so I'm not sure what the 
problem is, and don't know how to go about resolving it. Here's my complete rkt 

(module maths racket
  (provide http-get)
(require (lib "url.ss" "net"))

(define (http-get url)
  (let ((p 0) 
        (line 0)) 
    (set! p (get-impure-port (string->url url)))
    (let loop ((result ""))
      (set! line (read-line p))
      (if (eof-object? line)
          (set! line result)
          (loop (string-append result line))))
    (close-input-port p)


;;; simplification suggested by Sogaard 29-Jul-2007

;(require (lib "port.ss")
;         (lib "url.ss" "net"))

  (require racket/port)
  (require net/url)
  (require scribble/srcdoc)
  ;(require/doc scribble/manual)

  (define (http-get-XXX url-as-string)
    (let* ([out (open-output-string)]
           [in  (get-pure-port (string->url url-as-string))])
      (copy-port in out)
      (close-input-port in)
      (get-output-string out))) 
;;;(http-get "http://www.google.co.uk/") 

;;; Use (http-get "http://www.markcarter.me.uk/") , not (http-get 
"www.markcarter.me.uk") .
;;; (http-get "http://www.markcarter.me.uk/index.html")

  (-> string?
      string?) ; the output
  @{Say something meaningful about http-get.}))

(define (http-get url-as-string)
  (port->string (get-pure-port (string->url url-as-string))))

I know it's messy, but I'm just trying to get something to work at this stage.

Posted on the users mailing list.