[racket] string-trim : an implementation & a question
Well, you're probably well past caring at this point, esp. since your
interest was in the speed, but I wrote the below for fun and maybe
you'll enjoy it too. Random testing is great stuff. :)
#lang racket
(define (string-trim.1 s)
(define-syntax scan
(syntax-rules ()
((_ s start end step)
(for/first ((i (in-range start end step))
#:when (not (char-whitespace? (string-ref s i))))
(let* ((len (string-length s))
(last-index (sub1 len))
(start (or (scan s 0 len 1) 0))
(end (or (scan s last-index (sub1 start) -1) last-index)))
(substring s start (add1 end))))
(define (string-trim.2 s)
(regexp-replace #px"^\\s*(.*?)\\s*$" s "\\1"))
(define (test in expected)
(define (check string-trim)
(define got (string-trim in))
(unless (equal? got expected)
(error 'test "expected ~s applied to ~s to produce ~s, but got ~s"
string-trim in expected got)))
(check string-trim.1)
(check string-trim.2))
(test "" "")
;(test " " "") ;; broken test case
(test "a" "a")
(test " a" "a")
(test "a " "a")
(test "ab" "ab")
(test " ab" "ab")
(test "ab " "ab")
(test " ab" "ab")
(test " ab " "ab")
(test "ab " "ab")
(test " s sdf d " "s sdf d")
(define (try str)
(define s1 (string-trim.1 str))
(define s2 (string-trim.2 str))
(unless (equal? s1 s2)
(error 'try "found a disagreement for ~s 1: ~s, 2: ~s"
str s1 s2)))
(define (random-str)
(define whitespace "\r\n\t ")
(for/list ([x (in-range 0 (random 100))])
(case (random 3)
[(0) (string-ref whitespace (random (string-length whitespace)))]
[else (integer->char (+ (char->integer #\a) (random 26)))]))))
(define (time-one string-trim)
(define s " \n
\t foo bar baz\n \r ")
(for ([x (in-range 0 100000)])
(string-trim s))))
(time-one string-trim.1)
(time-one string-trim.2)
(for ([x (in-range 0 1000)])
(try (random-str)))