[racket] Java Conversion Utility [very very early stages]

From: Shriram Krishnamurthi (sk at cs.brown.edu)
Date: Sat Sep 18 21:47:57 EDT 2010

> Cool.   I tried the WeScheme demo thing the other day (if that's the
> same thing), and I could see having practical use myself for this
> technology in the near future.

It's the "same thing" in that Moby is the compiler under WeScheme, but
the current version on the Web is a few iterations behind what I'm
describing by email (since Danny only pushes to WeScheme when things
are stable).

> Separately, I'd really love to see something that could run
> efficiently on Android and use all the Android libraries.

Moby does interface with several Android services.  You can write a
problem that responds to shakes and GPS signals and what not.  It's
not just for computing factorials.


Posted on the users mailing list.