[racket] handy trick for "amb-collect" desired
Hello racket community,
though it may be impolite to enter the community with a wish,
I'd like to ask for help with the following problem:
I want a and b to "run through" all elements of two given lists,
and then to catch the combinations that fullfill a desired condition with
an "amb-assert" statement.
If I try this in the following way
(let ((a (amb *someList*)
(b (amb *someDifferentList*))...............
it turns out that not the list elemets are considered possible values
for a or b,
but the lists themselves are treated as the only possible value.
In all examples I could find for the uage of "amb-collect" the values to
run through were
recited, but in my case these are quite many, so would be grateful for a
handier solution.
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