[racket] xmlrpc with racket problem

From: Tobias Salzmann (salty83 at googlemail.com)
Date: Fri Sep 10 02:32:23 EDT 2010


I have a problem with the xmlrpc from planet system.

firstly my source code:


#lang racket

 (require (planet schematics/xmlrpc:4:0/xmlrpc-module-servlet))

(provide interface-version manager timeout start)

(define add (lambda (x y) (+ x y)))
(add-handler `math.add add)

I get the error:
open-input-file: cannot open input file: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\Racket\collects\web-server\private\response.rkt" (Das System kann die
angegebene Datei nicht finden.; errno=2)

#lang racket

(require (planet schematics/xmlrpc:4:0/xmlrpc))

(define remote

(define add (remote `math.add))

(printf "add: ~s~n" (add 3 3))
error: Server responded with a 404: File not found

The server is working correctly to this port. Other Servlets run without

Here also the planet cache:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Racket>raco planet sho
Normally-installed packages:
  bzlib base.plt        1 6
  bzlib date.plt        1 3
  jim   webit.plt       1 6
  lizorkin      ssax.plt        1 3
  lizorkin      ssax.plt        2 0
  lizorkin      sxml.plt        1 4
  lizorkin      sxml.plt        2 1
  lshift        xxexpr.plt      1 0
  neil  scgi.plt        1 0
  ryanc require.plt     1 3
  schematics    sake.plt        1 0
  schematics    schemeunit.plt  1 2
  schematics    schemeunit.plt  2 12
  schematics    schemeunit.plt  3 4
  schematics    xmlrpc.plt      1 4
  schematics    xmlrpc.plt      2 1
  schematics    xmlrpc.plt      4 0
  untyped       unlib.plt       3 23
  zitterbewegung        uuid-v4.plt     1 0

Do you have an idea maybe what's the problem?

Many thanks and the best wishes

Tobias Salzmann
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