[racket] problems running moby from source
Hi Sigrid,
I'm revamping Moby; it's being mostly subsumed by my js-vm PLaneT package.
To install, evaluate the following at your DrRacket REPL:
(require (planet dyoo/js-vm:1:2/info))
This will install js-vm and the tools.
Once that's installed, restart DrRacket.
There should now be the following menu options under the Racket submenu:
* Create Javascript Package
* Run Javascript in Browser
The first will create a .zip package at a specified place, and the
latter will start up a web server and serve a page that runs the
currently-edited program.
As an example, enter the following as "test.rkt":
#lang planet dyoo/js-vm:1:2
(printf "hello world\n")
(check-expect (* 3 4 5) 60)
(image-url "http://racket-lang.org/logo.png")
(big-bang 0
(on-tick add1 1)
(stop-when (lambda (x) (= x 10))))
"last line"
Save the file, and then press Run. The interactions should evaluate
up to the image-url expression, after which case the repl will error
out with "Must be evaluated within Javascript". As long as your
program is not accessing anything Javascript-specific, you should
still be able to run and test your programs under DrRacket. (big-bang
is currently a Javascript-specific function.)
Next, choose "Run Javascript in Browser". DrRacket should bring up a
status window, as well as opening up a web browser with the currently
running program.
Finally, choose "Create Javascript Package". DrRacket will prompt for
a place to put the zip file, and then generate a .zip archive; its
contents will be the files that were served under "Run Javascript in
The falling ball example will be this:
#lang planet dyoo/js-vm:1:2
(define-struct world (radius y))
;; The dimensions of the screen:
(define WIDTH 320)
(define HEIGHT 480)
;; The radius of the red circle.
(define RADIUS 15)
;; The world is the distance from the top of the screen.
(define INITIAL-WORLD (make-world RADIUS 0))
;; tick: world -> world
;; Moves the ball down.
(define (tick w)
(make-world RADIUS (+ (world-y w) 5)))
;; hits-floor?: world -> boolean
;; Returns true when the distance reaches the screen height.
(define (hits-floor? w)
(>= (world-y w) HEIGHT))
;; We have some simple test cases.
(check-expect (hits-floor? (make-world RADIUS 0)) false)
(check-expect (hits-floor? (make-world RADIUS HEIGHT)) true)
;; render: world -> scene
;; Produces a scene with the circle at a height described by the world.
(define (render w)
(place-image (circle RADIUS "solid" "red") (/ WIDTH 2) (world-y w)
(empty-scene WIDTH HEIGHT)))
;; Start up a big bang, 15 frames a second.
(check-expect (big-bang INITIAL-WORLD
(on-tick tick 1/15)
(to-draw render)
(stop-when hits-floor?))
(make-world 15 480))
As you might notice, some of the names of symbols have changed from
Moby 2. I'll be releasing documentation for the new system shortly.