[racket] Handling errors from in-directory - and handling errors more generally
Yesterday, Matthew Flatt wrote:
> Code that raises an exception can include a continuation in the
> exception to allow a restart, and the exception raised for an
> asynchronous break (which is usually triggered when you hit Ctl-C)
> does that. [...]
Is it supposed to be a full continuation? I'm getting an escape one:
-> (let ([cont? #t])
(with-handlers ([exn:break?
(lambda (e)
(when cont?
(printf "BREAK! --> jump back to ~s\n"
(exn:break-continuation e))
(set! cont? #f)
((exn:break-continuation e))))])
(for ([i (in-naturals)]) (displayln i) (sleep 0.5))))
BREAK! --> jump back to #<escape-continuation>
continuation application: attempt to jump into an escape continuation
((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay:
http://barzilay.org/ Maze is Life!