[racket] Counter servlet
> From: Jay McCarthy <jay.mccarthy at gmail.com>
> (a ([href ,what-you-have]) "link text")
OK now guys, now I'm getting seriously excited about the prospect using Racket
for web servers. I reworked my stateful counter example. Here it is:
#lang racket
;;;; a stateful web server
(require web-server/formlets
(define (counter request (count 0))
(lambda (k-url)
`(html (head (title "Counter"))
(p "Computer says: " ,(number->string count))
(a ([href
,(k-url (lambda (request)
(counter (redirect/get) (+ 1 count))))
]) "++")
(p "Enjoy!"))))))
(define log-file
(build-path (find-system-path 'home-dir) ;(expand-user-path "~")
; would this work better?:
; e.g. (list (build-path "js") (build-path "css"))
;;; Start the server
(serve/servlet counter
#:port 8080
#:listen-ip #f
#:log-file log-file
#:servlet-path "/counter.rkt")
Seems to be working fine, too. I am happy about how simple it looks. Some of the
details about the plumbing magic behind it are a little misty to me, but
hopefully that will clear up in due course.
Has anyone managed to install Racket for the Amazon EC2 cloud? I managed to
compile it on a stock Fedora 8 micro image, but I couldn't quite get make
install to work. Everything was slow, and I was wondering if it was actually the
fault of the server itself.