[racket] a little macro exercise

From: Neil Van Dyke (neil at neilvandyke.org)
Date: Sat Oct 9 20:57:42 EDT 2010

David Herman wrote at 10/09/2010 07:46 PM:
> I thought about the "am I falling through?" approach you've been taking, but the problem is that it keeps having to recompute the same test. In C-like languages, one of the benefits of `switch' [1] is that fall-through is expected to either be a literal "execute the next instruction in the PC" or at least a jump to a fixed address. So I prefer an approach that sets up a basic-block-like structure, like so:

I like this way of thinking.

Here's an expansion of Shriram's example:

  (define (cas1 v)
    (let ([disc-v v])
         ([break (syntax-rules () [(_ v) (k v)])])
         (define (temp2) (case disc-v [(1) (temp4)] [else (temp3)]))
         (define (temp3) (case disc-v [(2) (temp5)] [else (temp6)]))
         (define (temp4) (display "1") (temp5))
         (define (temp5) (display "2") (break 2) (temp7))
         (define (temp6) (case disc-v [(3) (temp7)]))
         (define (temp7) 3)

That seems a little unfamiliar to me because of the linear search with 
multiple tests.  I instead used a single "case", on the perhaps naive 
assumption that that's easiest for a compiler to optimize:

  (define (cas1 v)
    (let ((temp3 (lambda () 3)))
      (let ((temp2 (lambda () (display "2") 2)))
        (let ((temp1 (lambda () (display "1") (temp2))))
          (case v
            ((1) (temp1))
            ((2) (temp2))
            ((3) (temp3)))))))

Couldn't a compiler could optimize a "case" at least as well as any 
syntax transformer I wrote, unless I had special knowledge about the 
actual runtime inputs that a static optimizer doesn't have (which I 
don't)?  (Examples: binary search, jump tables, branching on tags/types, 
dynamic optimizations.)

I was guessing then that, if I let the compiler do what it wants with a 
single "case" and then went with tail calls to chain fallthrough between 
thunks, it doesn't get much better than that for a compiler.

But I'm just making that up, since I don't know how smart the compiler, 
and modern CPUs and JITs mean that we can't just count instructions in 
disassembly dumps to have an easy idea what'll go on.


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