[racket] Example in Docs

From: Richard Cleis (rcleis at mac.com)
Date: Tue Oct 5 09:02:40 EDT 2010

I am trying the examples in 4.1.  When rendered via the Scribble HTML button, the function my-helper is underlined in red.  What does that mean?

The mouse-over works, and check-syntax in the scrbl file draws the arrows that indicate that the function is in helper.rkt. When I use raco setup, the documentation appears to be correct (but my-helper has a red line).



#lang scribble/manual
@(require (for-label racket

@title{My Library}


@defproc[(my-helper [lst list?])
         (not/c (one-of/c 'cow)))]


#lang racket

[my-helper (-> list? (listof (not/c (one-of/c 'cow))))])

(define (my-helper lst) '(whatever))


#lang setup/infotab
(define scribblings '(("manual.scrbl" ())))

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