[racket] OpenGL sgl GL_TEXTURE_3D glTexImage3D
I didn't write SGL but the code is quite easy to understand. At the
top a bunch of shared libraries are loaded (gl-lib and glu-lib). You'd
want to add glut-lib there.
;; Windows only for now
(define glut-lib (ffi-lib "glut32"))
Then glTexImage3D is defined with the following code:
(define-foreign glTexImage3D _gl-enum _gl-int _gl-int _gl-sizei _gl-sizei
_gl-sizei _gl-int _gl-enum _gl-enum _gl-voidv ->)
define-foreign is a simple macro defined at the top of the file. You
need to define a new version that uses glut-lib
(define-syntax define-foreign-glut
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ args ...) (define-foreign-lib glut-lib args ...)]))
Then change the definition of glTexImage3D to use define-foreign-glut
instead of define-foreign.
The above is totally untested but should work.
On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 7:08 PM, mosi <amosat+lisp at gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anybody know about the implementation of sgl/gl.rkt in detail ?
> The problem is, i think, in the following:
> The following C++ GLUT code works fine on my machine and needs an external
> DLL glut32.dll and a dynamic load of the function "glTexImage3D" on the run.
> However, Racket\collects\sgl\gl.rkt only creates FFI functions for
> C:\Windows\system32\glu32.dll
> where the OpenGL extensions are not available in glu32.dll .