[racket] design and rationale of ports

From: Jay McCarthy (jay.mccarthy at gmail.com)
Date: Wed Nov 10 07:37:30 EST 2010

Like YC suggests, a better place to start may be: What are you trying
to do with ports that you need these details?


On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 1:00 AM, Taylor R Campbell
<campbell+racket at mumble.net> wrote:
> I am completely lost in the documentation and implementation of ports.
> Is there a document giving a high-level overview of the design of the
> port abstraction in Racket, and its rationale, ideally with motivating
> examples of tasks requiring all the various bizarre knobs and buttons
> of the abstraction (not necessarily all at once, of course)?
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Jay McCarthy <jay at cs.byu.edu>
Assistant Professor / Brigham Young University

"The glory of God is Intelligence" - D&C 93

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