[racket] help with multiple-file section documentation for PLaneT packages?
I'm seeing the following error message when trying to generate the
documentation for js-vm through 'raco setup', where I have a PLaneT
development link in place:
raco setup: <collects>/scribble/base.rkt:
broke the contract
(#:underline? any/c)
on other-doc given to
; expected <module-path?>, given: '(planet "js-vm.scrbl" ("dyoo"
"js-vm.plt" #"tmp" #"js-vm" 1 (= 6)))
I have no idea if I'm doing some wrong here, and I'm having a hard
time reducing this into a small reproducible test case. This can be
reproduced by checking this out of git:
Check out the 'weird-doc-bug' tag, set up a PLaneT development link,
and finally do a raco setup. That should emit the error.
Thanks for any help on this!