[racket] Math Guidance

From: Patrick Li (patrickli.2001 at gmail.com)
Date: Wed Nov 3 18:39:46 EDT 2010

As an example, I, myself, and several of my friends have learned to program
adequately without serious mathematics.

I find there's very little math that is helpful to programming in general.

The math that is required is useful only to specific fields (eg. linear
algebra for graphics applications, or probability and statistics for machine
learning ...). When you tackle those applications, you will understand for
yourself what math you need.

I think not knowing what math you need, is a good indication that you should
just continue what you're doing: program more, think, and experiment.

The most important thing to me, is not to feel intimidated by programming.

On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 5:54 PM, Karl Winterling <kwinterling at gmail.com>wrote:

> You should feel comfortable reading and writing proofs of (relatively)
> simple propositions and understand basic concepts in logic and abstract
> algebra. Calculus may or may not help you.
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