[racket] [htdp] Can this be simplified?

From: Nadeem Abdul Hamid (nadeem at acm.org)
Date: Tue Nov 2 12:48:24 EDT 2010

Please don't post solutions to problems on the public mailing list. I
just assigned this problem to my students this past week and it's
rather annoying to have the solution easily available on the public
group page!
--- nadeem

On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 11:57 AM, Sam Griff <sgriff89 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Here is my solution to a modified version of DNAprefix from exercise 17.6.6.
> I feel like it *should* be able to be written more clearly/simply but I
> can't think of the logic to make it work properly:
> Modify DNAprefix so that it returns the first item beyond the pattern in the
> search-string if the pattern is a proper prefix of the search-string. If the
> lists do not match or if the pattern is no shorter than the search-string,
> the modified function should still return false. Similarly, if the lists are
> equally long and match, the result is still true.
> [content removed from archive]
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