[plt-scheme] miniKanren: translation from Prolog
As the miniKanren community seems to be quite dead, I thought about
posting about my problem here.
I am trying to translate the n-queen problem solution from here:
<http://okmij.org/ftp/Prolog/QueensProblem.prl> into miniKanren.
Currently, though, I am struggling with the definition of permute.
The original source code looks like this:
do_insert(X,[Y1|Y2],[Y1|Z]) :- do_insert(X,Y2,Z).
permute([X|Y],Z) :- permute(Y,Z1), do_insert(X,Z1,Z).
Which I translated into
(define do-insert conso)
(define permute
(lambda (l1 l2)
(fresh (l2-cadr)
(cdro l2 l2-cadr)
((nullo l2-cadr) (== l1 l2))
(let ((x (car l1))
(y (cdr l1)))
(fresh (z1)
(permute y z1)
(do-insert x z1 l2))))))))
Unfortunately, this fails because at some point, (car l1) fails because
l1 is '(). I tried replacing the let with (fresh x y) and (caro x l1)
and (cdro y l1) but that gives me an infinite loop.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!