[plt-scheme] "useless" abstraction
On May 17, 2010, at 10:19 AM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
> (define-syntax-rule
> (define/lead (name x n) base combine pfx ...)
> ;; MF: lead is (- (depth x) n) items, ergo traversing lead leaves
> ;; (- (depth x) (- (depth x) n)) = n items to be dealt with
> ;; either via a combine ~ cons or an accumulator
> (let loop ([lead (drop x n)] [x x][pfx '()] ...)
> (if (pair? lead)
> (combine (car x) (loop (cdr lead) (cdr x) (cons (car x)
> pfx) ...))
> (base x pfx ...))))
Sorry, this one lost a line in translation:
(define/lead (name x n) base combine pfx ...)
;; MF: lead is (- (depth x) n) items, ergo traversing lead leaves
;; (- (depth x) (- (depth x) n)) = n items to be dealt with
;; either via a combine ~ cons or an accumulator
(define (name x n)
(let loop ([lead (drop x n)] [x x][pfx '()] ...)
(if (pair? lead)
(combine (car x) (loop (cdr lead) (cdr x) (cons (car x)
pfx) ...))
(base x pfx ...)))))