[plt-scheme] Re: racket, what the hell?
"Paulo J. Matos" <pocmatos at gmail.com>
> On Sat, 2010-03-27 at 13:44 -0400, Skeptic . wrote:
>> Please tell me this is some kind of bad joke : http://www.plt-racket.org/ !
> I actually find it a good idea. You should read:
> http://list.cs.brown.edu/pipermail/plt-dev/2010-February/002233.html
>From "Racket (formerly PLT Scheme)" (see
> The name Racket meets some basic criteria:
> it isn’t used already, it’s easy to pronounce and spell, and it has a
> vague connection to the word “scheme.” Mostly, though, we just like
> it.
However, according to Merriam-Webster Online (see
> Main Entry: 2racket
> Function: noun
> Etymology: origin unknown
> Date: 1565
> [...]
> 3 a : a fraudulent scheme, enterprise, or activity
The term "racket" seems to have negative connotations, especially when
related to the term "scheme," and seems to be creating quite a racket
right now ;).
Out of curiosity, what was the perceived "'vague connection' to the word
-- Benjamin L. Russell
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