[plt-scheme] fafebook
On Mar 17, 2010, at 1:17 PM, Eli Barzilay wrote:
> On Mar 17, Noel Welsh wrote:
>> This page was for a while Google's top hit for the phrase "facebook
>> login":
>> http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/facebook_wants_to_be_your_one_true_login.php
>> Read the comments. No amount of tech. can fix this problem ;-)
> Ha! Or actually, "Ha!!!!!!!11".
No, I disagree. These people look incredibly stupid, but it's just because they have no connection to the onotology of internet "sites." Specifically, Firefox allows you to type search terms into the address box. For them, there's no obvious difference between typing
and typing
facebook login
Why should the first one always work, and the second one not? Search is so ubiquitous now that people don't even know when they're searching and when they're not .
P.S.: BTW, the random phrase I typed into firefox was "my pants." I strongly recommend that you not try this.
P.P.S: OT, but it's not my fault this time.
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