[plt-scheme] Problem building and running on Solaris 10

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Wed Mar 17 13:45:51 EDT 2010

At Tue, 16 Mar 2010 10:59:09 -0400, Mike VanHorn wrote:
> When I build plt-4.2.4 on a Solaris 10 x86 machine, I use the
> --disable-foreign flag for the configure script.

It seems that DrScheme now relies in some way on the FFI. We use the
FFI more and more, so that's not too surprising.

Johan Coppieters recently supplied a patch to make the build work for
Solaris 10 (thanks, Johan!), and we have applied the patch for our next
version. Meanwhile, I'm enclosing a variant of Johan's patch; the patch
should be applied in "plt/src/foreign", and it should work on the
v4.2.4 sources so that you don't need `--disable-foreign'. Please let me
know if I got something wrong and it doesn't work.

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